Keynote Speaker

People Quit Too Soon.
People Can Do More Than They Think.
People Need The Skills To Keep Going.

Jeff has spent over 30 years on stage in front of audiences and more years working on how to think creatively and overcome challenges by not quitting too soon.

He’s discovered that people quit too soon in almost every aspect of their lives. People typically do less than they could do, almost always do less than they should do and certainly do less than they want to do. It’s human nature. We all do it.

Jeff believes that people can achieve a lot more simply by doing a little bit more and sticking with something a little bit longer. He knows that there are five reasons why people quit too soon. In his presentation “The Five Reasons Why People Quit Too Soon and How To Stop Doing It” he’ll show you and your audience how those five reasons show up in both their business and personal lives. He’ll share with them the tools necessary to work through challenges so that they don’t quit too soon and can achieve more and create better results.

The Five Reasons People Quit Too Soon


  • It’s Too Hard
  • Negative Feedback
  • Lack of Consequences
  • Don’t Know What to Do Next
  • Just Too Tired

Three Tools To Stop Quitting Too Soon

  1. Vision: In order to achieve your goals one must be able to really see how you want yourself, your life, and your business to look. One must have vision to achieve more success.
  2. Commitment: One must be obligated to themselves to invest both effort and action, despite the challenges, in order to guarantee results.
  3. Desire: People only do what they absolutely want to do. Your goal must be so desirable that no person or thing will keep you from achieving it.

In Jeff’s presentation “The Five Reasons People Quit Too Soon and How To Stop Doing It” your audience will learn . . .

  • Why we all quit too soon.
  • How to achieve more than you thought possible.
  • How doing a little bit more leads to achieving a lot more.
  • How vision, commitment and desire are the keys to stop quitting and overcoming challenges.
  • How to create ongoing success as a way of working and life.

Best of all, you’ll be able to start implementing these ideas right away in both your business and your life.

Jeff enjoys working with businesses and associations that want to achieve more and create better results by doing a little more and not quitting too soon.